Texas Traffic School Answers
Search Texas FAQs
Finding help with our Texas FAQs is easy. Simply locate the Texas course you have a question about and click to view a list of well-organized Q and A's. If you can't find an answer to your Texas question below, you can always contact us or call us toll free at 800-691-5014. A visit to the Texas Department of Public Safety website (http://www.texas.gov/en/Pages/default.aspx) can also be very helpful.
- Search Texas FAQs
- Texas Defensive Driving (Online)
- Before You Register
- Why go to a defensive driving class at all?
When you receive a ticket, points are assessed on your driving record as a result. Sometimes, you are ordered to attend defensive driving school by a court of law. Often, this attendance will prevent the ticket from appearing on your official driving record as points. Insurance companies will give discounts after you successfully complete a defensive driving school course. Another reason to attend a defensive driving school is to become a more responsible driver, lower your chances of being involved in an accident (driver improvement school is sometimes assigned as part of the penalty associated with drinking and driving), and lower your chances of getting a ticket.
Registration for this course is quite simple. You can click here and you'll be taken to the online registration page. Just complete all the appropriate fields and you can get started right away. It just takes minutes and you'll be able to start today.
Yes, the cost to complete the online defensive driving school is $25.00. This covers all elements of the course including immediate access to the site and the completion certificate. Regular in-class defensive driving schools charge similar fees. Defensive driving schools are privately operated businesses and whether you sit in a class or choose this online program, you will need to pay a fee.
You can pay for the course a couple different ways, either by online credit card payment, by mailing in a check/money order or calling in a credit card payment over the phone. We recommend paying online via our secure credit card payment page after you fill out the registration form. Instructions for other forms of payments will follow after you register for the course.
We use e-mail for much of our correspondence and you'll need an e-mail address for log-in purposes. If you do not have your own e-mail address then you may use a friend's (make sure to get permission) or you can obtain free e-mail services through a number of different websites, such as www.hotmail.com or www.mail.yahoo.com.
That is what makes this course so easy and great! You can take this from home, work, a friend or family's house, your local library, or you can even rent time on the Internet at a copy/computer center. Whatever computer you use, you simply need Internet access. You can also start on your own computer and then finish on another.
- Taking the Course
- How quickly can I finish this course?
The course is designed to take the equivalent amount of time as a traditional in-class defensive driving school and will take six (6) hours. The great thing about this course, however, is that you work at your own pace. No one is sitting over your shoulder making you slow down or speed up. Everyone reads at different speeds and this program will allow you to proceed at your own pace and there is no time maximum for the program.
Online Defensive Driving is designed for the person who does not have a lot of time. The course is broken up into six (6) sections and you can log off and then log back on at a later time. The computer will record the section you have completed. You can log on and off as many times as you wish until you complete the program. You can also do the entire course in one sitting...it is up to you.
If you have already enrolled, you may re-enter your course here as many times as necessary to access and complete the program. If you have forgotten or lost your password, please call Online Defensive Driving at 866-528-3927.
Many Internet users are knocked off line frequently. This may result from a lost Internet connection, another call interrupting your connection if you are on a single line with call waiting, or simply because your own computer crashes. Remember, as you complete each section of the course, your progress is logged. Completion of chapter one, for example, cannot be lost if your answers are submitted to the system and graded on screen. Being knocked off line at that point, will only bring you back to the start of the next chapter, it will not delete chapter one. Our website is unable to control your Internet connection and inactivity on your part will not result in our system knocking you off line. Any activity requirements will be on the part of your Internet service provider.
- When You Finish
- What if my deadline for completion of defensive driving has passed?
Contact your court for instructions regarding an extension of your due date. We cannot extend your due date for you.
Once you complete the course, your completion certificate will be processed and sent to you. Once you receive your completion certificate, it is your responsibility to turn it into the appropriate party before your due date.
- Texas Defensive Driving (Streaming)
- Before You Register
- Is this course approved?
The Texas Defensive Driving Streaming Course is approved by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulations (TDLR) to satisfy requirements for traffic ticket dismissal (with court permission).
Take the Texas Streaming Defensive Driving course in order to dismiss a traffic ticket and/or to gain a possible insurance rate reduction. The streaming video defensive driving course is a great alternative to having to read a 6-hour defensive driving course online.
$34.95 is the TX Defensive Driving Streaming course price. Standard certificate processing and delivery are included in the course price.
The TX Defensive Driving Streaming Course a state required 6-hour course.
- Taking the Course
- Is there a final exam?
No! At the end of each section there is a quiz. You will need to pass each quiz with 70% or higher to move on to the next section. You will be able retake each section as needed to pass.
To log into your Streaming Texas Defensive Driving Course, click here.
- When You Finish
- What happens once I finish the course?
Once you complete all course sections and pass each section quiz, your completion certificate will be processed and sent to you.
- Texas Seat Belt Course
- Before You Register
- Is this course approved?
The Texas Seat Belt course is approved by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulations (TDLR) to satisfy a seat belt violation requirement.
Take the Texas Seat Belt Safety course if you have been ordered by a judge to complete a course to satisfy a seat belt violation.
$43.95 is the TX Seat Belt course price. Standard certificate processing and delivery are included in the course price.
The TX Seat Belt safety course a state required 6-hour course.
- Taking the Course
- What does the course entail?
The Texas Seat Belt course consist of 12 chapters spanning six (6) hours of training. There are short multiple-choice review quizzes after each section.
Yes. At the end of the course, there is 24 question multiple choice quiz. You will need 70% to pass and have three opportunities to pass the exam.
To log into your Texas Seat Belt Course, click here.
- When You Finish
- What happens once I finish the course?
Once you pass your final exam, your completion certificate will be processed and sent to you. Once you receive your completion certificate it is your responsibility to turn it into the court.
- Texas Adult Drivers Ed (ages 18-24)
- Before You Register
- Is this course approved?
Texas Driver Education for Adults is approved by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulations (TDLR).
This course is intended for first time Texas drivers between the ages of 18 and 24. Texas first-time drivers 25 years and older are not required to take this course, but are encouraged to voluntarily complete an adult drivers education course.
Texas Adult Driver Education Online is $44.95. Certificate of completion is included in the price.
The Online Texas Adult Driver Education Course is 6 hours of instruction. Students can work at their own pace, studying as much or as little as they want in one sitting.
- Taking the Course
- How does the course work?
Adult Texas Driver's Ed students will read through 6 chapters of material. Students are able to save their progress at anytime, so there is no need to complete the entire course in one sitting.
Yes. At the end of the course, you will take a 30 question final exam. You will have three (3) chances to get a passing score of 70% or higher.
To log into your Texas Adult Driver Education Course, click here.
- When You Finish
- What happens once I finish the course?
Once you've passed the final exam an Original Certificate of Completion will be mailed to you. Please allow 7-15 days to receive the certificate.
You will need to bring your original Certificate of Completion with you to the DPS when you apply for your Texas driver's license. You will not need to take a written test at the Texas Department of Public Safety with proof of course completion. You will still be require to take an in-vehicle driving skills examination test at the DPS.
- Search General Course and Tech Support FAQs
- General Questions
- Course Specifics
- What is the course like?
Our online classes adhere to the basic outline of reading, interactive lessons and section quizzes, followed by a final exam. Each course can differ in regards to length, number of chapters, time prerequisite and final exam requirements set forth by each state.
- Disclaimer
- Information or FAQs regarding a partner Website.
The FAQs on this page relate primarily to the TrafficSchool.com Website and courses. Please note that some or all of TrafficSchool.com's pricing, procedures, or other information may be different from that of our partner companies and their Websites and courses. For information or FAQs regarding a partner Website, please consult that Website directly.
- Payment
- How do I pay for the course?
Unless otherwise specified, students have three payment options; with a credit card on our secure website, with a credit card over the phone with a customer service representative, or you can send a check or money order in the mail.
- Time Required
- Do I have to complete the entire course all at one time?
Not unless you want to. Our courses are completely self-paced, which means that you can finish them during one sitting or you can stop and start back up when you please. It's entirely up to you. If you need to get it done in one day, you can. If you have several months left before you need to finish, then you can complete a section a week. Our program will always keep track of the time spent on each section when you save & log off. When re-entering your course, you will always start where you left off (rounded to the nearest minute) where you last logged off the course. We have built this flexibility into our course so that you can choose exactly how you want to complete the course.
- Technical Support
- Browser Questions
- Problem - Ads keep popping up while I'm taking the course.
Solution - We do not put ads within our course content. If you experience pop-up ads while taking our course, your computer most likely has adware installed or a virus. The following are links for free downloadable antivirus software that may be able to assist you in getting rid of pop-up ads.
To download AVG Free: http://free.avg.com/.
To download Ad-Aware Free: http://www.lavasoft.com/.
To download Malwarebytes Free: http://www.malwarebytes.org/.
Solution - Upgrade your browser! You may not have the latest version of your current browser or you may be using an out-dated browser that is no longer supported. Here are links to several browsers that our course has been tested in:
If you are using Google Chrome: please upgrade your browser at https://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/browser/.
If you are using Microsoft Edge: please upgrade your browser at https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/edge.
If you are using Mozilla Firefox: please upgrade your browser at https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/all.html.
Solution- If you are using AOL as your Internet service provider, you will have activity requirements while online. During some of the longer sections requiring more reading, there is a chance AOL will knock you off-line unless you remain interactive with AOL. Do not leave the screen alone for any great length of time...remain interactive with the screen.
Solution- In order to better diagnose what specific problem or error is causing this message to appear, please make the following settings changes in your browser so you can pass along some very useful information to us.
1. Open Internet Explorer
2. Click at the top Tools
3. Select Internet Options
4. Click the Advanced Tab
5. Scroll down a few items and see under the Browsing section (should be second section)... Please uncheck the box for Show Friendly HTTP Error Messages
6. Click Apply and close (ok)
Now, please try whatever feature again and see if the error or warning notice continues to appear. However, now the page should display a detailed error message that you can copy and paste and send to us to better diagnose the problem.
- Computer Issue
- Problem - When I go to your website or when I'm taking the course my computer shuts down, closes or has some type of error screen or warning screen.
Solution - These types of problems could be caused by a number of different things, but they ARE NOT caused by simply going to our website. These are problems caused by your computer. For example, you may have too many programs open at the same time or you may not have enough memory left in your hard drive. To solve these types of problems, please refer to your computer manufacturer's tech support phone number or help guides.
- Course Status
- Problem - I completed a section, but the 'Course Status' page is not reflecting my progress.
Solution - If the 'Course Status' page doesn't reflect your progress throughout the course, first try clicking the Refresh or Reload button on your browser. If this doesn't work, please log off and end your connection to the Internet. Connect back on to the Internet and log back into www.trafficschool.com and click on Student Login from the navigation bar. This should refresh your online traffic school session and reflect your progress.
- Payment Issue
- Problem - I have paid for the course, but the site is not reflecting my payment and giving me access to the final exam.
Solution -
• If you have paid for the traffic school or drivers education course online with a credit card and your payment was accepted successfully, you will be sent a payment confirmation by email with an Order ID#. You will also be taken to a screen that will show the Order ID# on screen when payment has been accepted. If the 'Course Status' page does not reflect your payment, please log off and end your connection to the Internet. Connect back on to the Internet and log back into www.trafficschool.com and click on re-enter course from the navigation bar. This should refresh your session and reflect your payment.
• If you have paid for your online course by telephone with a credit card, please note that final exam access is given during normal business hours and may take some time pending credit card authorization. You will receive a payment confirmation email when your credit card has been processed and you have been granted access to the final exam.
• If you paid by check or money order through the mail, we have not received your payment yet. All mailed payments are processed on the same day received. We do not wait for checks to clear before granting access to the final exam.
Solution - Be Patient! Due to Internet traffic, it sometimes may take 1-2 minutes for credit card authorizations to be completed and processed. This is not unusual. Please wait until your browser screen prompts you to continue. Do not click on the payment button more than one time because your credit card may be charged for each click. TrafficSchool.com has taken the necessary steps to curb this problem from occurring, but clicking the payment button multiple times can trigger this. If the page seems to be stuck and not responding, please log off and end your connection to the Internet. Connect back on to the Internet and log back into www.trafficschool.com and click on Student Login from the navigation bar. This should refresh your session and reflect your payment. If you have paid, but not received the payment confirmation email nor your Order ID# then the payment was not accepted and you must try again.
- Re-Enter Course
- How do I continue an online course already in progress?
When you want to re-enter a course in progress, simply go to our homepage at www.trafficschool.com and click on the Student Login button on the navigation bar. For access to the online traffic school course, you will be prompted to enter your driver's license number and email address used during registration.
Solution- Please make sure that you are entering a valid email address. When entering your email address be sure that you are not entering any spaces between letters. Also, do not put the letters 'www.' before your email address. You must also enter the '@' (at) symbol after your username followed by .com, .net, or .org. Lastly, some email addresses have an '_' (underscore) symbol, this is located on your keyboard to the right of the '0' (zero) key by pressing the shift key and '-' (minus) key at the same time.
Solution - Make sure that the URL at the top of the screen reads exactly as follows: www.trafficschool.com.
Make sure that you originally registered with TrafficSchool.com. It is our policy to send confirmation emails to you when you register/enroll for the online course, make a payment, and complete the program. Check your email box for these confirmation emails to ensure that you have contacted the correct company. If you do not have a confirmation email from TrafficSchool.com, you have registered with another company.
If you are positive that you have registered with TrafficSchool.com, but the login/re-enter procedure is not working, it is because you are entering either your driver's license number and/or email address different from what you originally registered with. You will need to re-enter your information exactly as you registered including all letters, numbers, expiration dates, spaces in driver's license, etc. so long as you entered it during registration. The confirmation email that is sent when you enroll will have your information listed for re-entry purposes. Please refer to this email for assistance.
A common error when trying to re-enter your course is typing the letter 'O or o' instead of the number '0' (zero) or vice-versa for the driver's license # or e-mail address. When typing in your driver's license # or e-mail address, this re-entering function is not case sensitive (you may replace a lower case 'o' with a capitol 'O'), but it will not let you substitute a letter 'O or o' for the number zero '0'.
Go to the Settings option on your devise. Under Settings select "Safari" and then turn OFF private browsing. After you do this return to TrafficSchool.com's Course Login. You may need to refresh the page. You should now be able to login to your course.
iPhones and iPads with iOS7: To get to the Private browsing On/Off option, tap the new tab button (looks like a plus (+) sign), and then tap the "Private" button located in the bottom left corner of the screen. You may need to re-enter our web address (www.trafficschool.com) into this new tab with the Private browsing turned off. You should now be able to login to your course.
To read more about how to turn off your Private Browsing, click here to visit the Apple Support page about Private Browsing.
- Web Site Security
- How secure is my information when I do transactions on TrafficSchool.com?
We assure you that any information you send to TrafficSchool.com while you are logged into your account area of TrafficSchool.com is completely secure and private. This includes your personal information such as your email address, driver's license number and any other account information as well as any financial information, such as your credit card number or related information that you transmit to TrafficSchool.com via our web site. You can tell that you are in a secure environment when the beginning of the Internet address near the top of your browser bar changes from http:// to https:// . The 's' means that you are in a secure area of the website. Most browsers show a locked padlock graphic in the lower right corner when you are in a secure environment. However, if the padlock graphic is not present for some reason and the address begins with https, you are still in a secure area of the website.